Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describe how ZRyde Tech Inc. (collectively “ZRyde”, “Zippy”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collect, use, process and disclose your Personal Data through the use of Zippy’s mobile applications and websites (respectively “Apps” and “Websites”), as well as products, features and other services globally, operated by Zippy (collectively, “Services”).

This Policy applies to our users (riders & drivers), contractors and service providers (collectively “you”, “your” or “yours”).

Personal Data” is any information which can be used to identify you or from which you are identifiable. This includes but is not limited to your name, phone number, email, your image, personal interests, government-issued identification numbers, biometric data, nationality, race, date of birth, marital status, religion, health information, vehicle and insurance information, employment information and financial information.


We collect Personal Data about you in the ways listed below. We may also combine the collected Personal Data with other Personal Data in our possession. If you have or are a party to multiple relationships with us (for example if you use our Services, or if you are both a driver as well as a rider on our transport, we will link your Personal Data collected across your various capacities to facilitate your use of our Services and for the Purposes described below.

We only collect Personal Data that we need, so that we can facilitate your use of our Services. The data categories are as follows:

In certain circumstances, you may need to provide your Personal Data in order to comply with legal requirements or contractual obligations, or where it is necessary to conclude a contract. Failure to provide such Personal Data, under such circumstance, may constitute failure to comply with legal requirements or contractual obligations, or inability to conclude a contract with you, as the case may be.

For purposes such as detection and prevention of fraud, we may also collect your Personal Data without consent, by relying on Legitimate Interests or other exemptions provided by the applicable data privacy laws.

When will your personal data be used?

Personal Data may be collected through the normal operation of our Apps, Websites and Services. Some examples are:

From other sources

When we collect Personal Data, including but not limited to your name, contact information and other identification information where needed from other sources, we make sure that the data is transferred to us in accordance with applicable laws. Such sources include:

Personal Data about drivers

If you are a driver, we may collect:

Sensitive Personal Data

Some of the Personal Data that we collect is sensitive in nature. This includes Personal Data pertaining to your national ID information and background information (including financial and criminal records, where legally permissible), as applicable. We collect this information only with your consent and/or in strict compliance with applicable laws.

Zippy’s applications or devices

Zippy may install in-vehicle audio and/or video recording applications or devices to promote the safety and security of drivers and riders. Your Personal Data may be captured in these audio and/or video recordings. Where in-vehicle audio and/or video recordings are made, such recordings are collected, processed, used, and stored in a manner that is compliant with applicable laws.

Personal In-vehicle cameras

Some Zippy drivers may install personal in-vehicle cameras in their vehicles for their own purposes (including safety and security). The use of such in-vehicle cameras is not endorsed or prohibited by Zippy. The collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data obtained from personal in-vehicle cameras is the responsibility of the relevant driver. Please check with the relevant driver if you have any queries about their use of personal in-vehicle cameras.

Personal Data of minors

As a parent or legal guardian, please do not allow minors under your care to submit Personal Data to Zippy. In the event such Personal Data of a minor is disclosed to Zippy, you hereby consent to the processing of the minor’s Personal Data and accept and agree to be bound by this Policy and take responsibility for his or her actions.

When you provide Personal Data of other individuals to us

In some situations, you may provide Personal Data of other individuals (such as your spouse, family members or friends) to us. For example, you may add them as your emergency contact. If you provide us with their Personal Data, you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent for their Personal Data to be collected, used, and disclosed as set out in this Policy.


Zippy may use, combine, and process your Personal Data for the following purposes (“Purposes”):

Providing services and features

Your Personal Data will be used to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our Apps, Websites and Services. This includes using your Personal Data to:

Safety and security

We use your data to ensure the safety and security of our Services and all users. This includes:

Customer support

We use Personal Data to resolve customer support issues. For example, we may:

Research and development and security

We may use the Personal Data we collect for testing, research, analysis, and product development. This allows us to understand and analyze your needs and preferences, protect your Personal Data, improve and enhance the safety and security of our Services, develop new features, products and services, and facilitate insurance and finance solutions.

Legal purposes

We may use the Personal Data we collect to investigate and resolve claims or disputes, or as allowed or required by applicable law. We may also use your Personal Data when we are required, advised, recommended, expected, or requested to do so by our legal advisors or any local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, or other authority.

For example, we may use your Personal Data to:

We may also use your Personal Data in connection with mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, sale of company assets, consolidation, restructuring, financing, business asset transactions, or acquisition of all or part of our business by another company.

Marketing and promotions

We may use your Personal Data to market Zippy and Zippy’s partners’, sponsors’ and advertisers’ products, services, events, or promotions. For example, we may:

We may communicate such marketing to you by post, phone, short message service, online messaging service, push notification by hand and by email.

If you wish to unsubscribe to the processing of your Personal Data for marketing and promotions, please click on the unsubscribe link in the relevant email or message.


We need to share Personal Data with various parties for the Purposes. These parties include:

a. Other users
For example:

b. With Zippy partners at your request

For example, if you requested a service through a Zippy partner or used a promotion provided by a Zippy partner, Zippy may share your Personal Data with that Zippy partner. Our partners include partners that integrate with our Apps or our Apps that integrate with, vehicle services partners, or business partners which Zippy collaborates with to deliver a promotion, competition or other specialized service.

c. With the owner of Zippy accounts that you may use

For example, your employer may receive trip data when you use your employer’s Zippy business account.

d. With subsidiaries and affiliates

We share Personal Data with our subsidiaries, associated companies, jointly controlled entities, and affiliates.

e. With Zippy’s service providers and business partners

We may provide Personal Data to our vendors, consultants, marketing partners, research firms, and other service providers or business partners. This includes:

f. With our legal advisors and governmental authorities

We may share your Personal Data with our legal advisors, law enforcement officials, government authorities and other third parties. This may take place to fulfil the legal purposes (mentioned above), or any of the following circumstances:


We retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfill the Purposes outlined in this Policy unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law. Once your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the Services or Purposes, or we no longer have a legal or business purpose for retaining your Personal Data, we take steps to erase, destroy, anonymize or prevent access or use of such Personal Data for any purpose other than compliance with this Policy, or for purposes of safety, security, fraud prevention and detection, in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws.


Zippy, and third parties with whom we partner, may use cookies, web beacons, tags, scripts, local shared objects such as HTML5 and Flash (sometimes called “flash cookies”), advertising identifiers (including mobile identifiers such as Apple’s IDFA or Google’s Advertising ID) and similar technology (“Cookies”) in connection with your use of the Websites and Apps. Cookies may have unique identifiers, and reside, among other places, on your computer or mobile device, in emails we send to you, and on our web pages. Cookies may transmit Personal Data about you and your use of the Service, such as your browser type, search preferences, IP address, data relating to advertisements that have been displayed to you or that you have clicked on, and the date and time of your use. Cookies may be persistent or stored only during an individual session.

Zippy may allow third parties to use Cookies on the Websites and Apps to collect the same type of Personal Data for the same purposes Zippy does for itself. Third parties may be able to associate the Personal Data they collect with other Personal Data they have about you from other sources. We do not necessarily have access to or control over the Cookies they use.

Additionally, we may share non-personally identifiable Personal Data with third parties, such as location data, advertising identifiers, or a cryptographic hash of a common account identifier (such as an email address), to facilitate the display of targeted advertising on third party platforms.

If you do not wish for your Personal Data to be collected via Cookies on the Websites, you may deactivate cookies by adjusting your internet browser settings to disable, block or deactivate cookies, by deleting your browsing history and clearing the cache from your internet browser.


We will take reasonable legal, organizational, and technical measures to ensure that your Personal Data is protected. This includes measures to prevent Personal Data from getting lost or used or accessed in an unauthorized way. We limit access to your Personal Data to our employees on a need-to-know basis. Those processing your Personal Data will only do so in an authorized manner and are required to treat your information with confidentiality.

Nevertheless, please understand that the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data transmitted through any online means, therefore, any transmission remains at your own risk.


In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, you may be entitled to:

a. Ask us about the processing of your Personal Data, including to be provided with a copy of your Personal Data;

b. Request the correction and/or (in some cases) deletion of your Personal Data;

c. In some cases, request the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data, or object to that processing;

d. Withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data (where we are processing your Personal Data based on your consent);

e. Request receipt or transmission to another organization, in a machine-readable form, of the Personal Data that you have provided to us where we are using your Personal Data based on consent or performance of a contract; and

f. Complain to the relevant data privacy authority if your data privacy rights are violated, or if you have suffered as a result of unlawful processing of your Personal Data.

Where you are given the option to share your Personal Data with us, you can always choose not to do so. If we have requested your consent to processing and you later choose to withdraw it, we will respect that choice in accordance with our legal obligations.

However, choosing not to share your Personal Data with us or withdrawing your consent to our use of it could mean that we are unable to perform the actions necessary to achieve the purposes of processing described in Section 2 (Use of Personal Data) or that you are unable to make use of the Services. After you have chosen to withdraw your consent, we may be able to continue to process your Personal Data to the extent required or otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

We will screen and verify all requests beforehand. In order to verify your authority to make the request, we may require you to provide supporting information or documentation to corroborate the request.

Once verified, we will give effect to your request within the timelines prescribed by applicable laws.



Zippy for Business is provided as an add-on feature to facilitate business billing for the Authorized Users’ use of Zippy’s Services in the course of work.

When an organization (“Client”) chooses to utilize the business account, the Authorized User is given the option of tagging their rides or other transactions to the Client or to tag it as a personal ride. An Authorized User is referred to as a rider.

As part of this feature, Zippy will disclose detailed trip and booking information that Authorized Users have tagged as being for business purposes to the Client. Apart from this, Zippy does not disclose other Personal Data of its Authorized Users to the Client.

Alternatively, an individual user may choose to set up a business account profile within the Apps to facilitate the tagging of business-related rides.

For ease of reference, Authorized Users and individual users will each be referred to as a “User” and collectively as “Users”.

Zippy is a data controller, so are our Clients

In respect of any User and the processing of all their Personal Data (including but not limited to Linking Data and Portal Data), Zippy acts as a data controller.

Due to the way Zippy’s Business Account works, Zippy does not process any Personal Data for and on behalf of the Client. Accordingly, Zippy is not the data processor of the Client, but an independent data controller in respect of all Personal Data that it processes in the course of providing Zippy’s Business Account feature. Likewise, the Client is an independent data controller of the Personal Data (e.g. the Linking Data and Portal Data) that it discloses to and/or receives from Zippy.

As independent controllers, Zippy and the Client individually determine the purposes and means of processing Personal Data, subject to the provisions set out in the Terms & Conditions and this Privacy Policy. Zippy and the Client are also individually responsible to ensure the protection of Personal Data under their charge.


What Zippy collects as part of Zippy for Business

In order to provide the Zippy for Business feature, the individual user or the Client will be required to provide the following information about the Authorized User to Zippy:

Zippy will use this information for the purposes of:

Upon onboarding such a User to the Apps, Zippy will process the Personal Data of the User in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

What Zippy discloses to its Clients

Zippy will disclose relevant trip and booking information as determined by Zippy from time to time to the Client to facilitate Business Billing.

What Zippy discloses to its individual user

Depending on the business profile settings selected by the individual user, the user may retrieve and generate reports containing their relevant trip and booking information.


The Client and Zippy shall each:


Zippy shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Policy at any time by placing the updated Policy on the Websites. By continuing to use the Apps, Websites or Services, purchase products from Zippy or continuing to communicate or engage with Zippy following the modifications, updates, or amendments to this Policy, you signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates, or amendments.


If you have any queries about this Policy or would like to exercise your rights set out in this Policy, please contact:

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